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Humans perceive their soul as invisible, but turning the perspective one can witness the sheer value and determination of our soul to build us every day. When we started Meraki our sole objective was to build ourselves from within, look deep into our soul that will align every string across our mind and heart, to bring forth a connection that sparks creativity.
As an entrepreneur it’s important to start the mission with utmost honesty and self-believe. I looked at myself in the mirror, the woman standing in front of me had ambitions to touch the sky, take the challenges by its horns and bring forth the best version of herself to drive Meraki forward. We have tried to project the power we see in our reflection, integrate the idea so that every woman can focus on her strengths and hold the crown that rightfully belongs to her.
Meraki is a word to describe when someone has put a part of themselves; or their passion, into something.
The "M" is comprised of two women profiles.
The silhouette of the women on the left focuses on our soul within to discover her own passion and creation.And the right side signifies that every time we have doubts, it’s time to look into our soul to gain the necessary power hidden in our heart.
By discovering herself, the women has awaken her own universe and is now using what she has discovered to put her all within what she creates - her MERAKI.
With the never-ending process of carving ourselves every day, Meraki promises to bring products to create the spark when your mind and soul connect. It’s the bridge that carves the path to help you identify yourself. As humans, we are constantly chiseling our lifestyle & fashion choices that syncs with our personality, which adorns our real identity and helps us embrace the change. We are the artist of our own life, we behold the canvas, and with every brushstroke, acute detailing, and extraordinary choices, we present our soul to the world.